Sunday, July 30, 2006

A beautiful wedding

Phew... the month of July has just flown past and with it, I've attended all 3 of the weddings that I was invited to.

The common thread running through them all? I wonder why I'm always tasked to help out in... fatigue work? ;p (no real complaints though... all to help out friends :) )

But otherwise, it was this last wedding yesterday that struck me most. Their order of service was slightly different from others that I've attended as they had this segment called "Couple Talk". Here, the couple invited 2 other married couples who have mentored them, whom they respect to share a few words of advice and exhortation. Hearing words of wisdom from these 2 older, matured Christian couples was an inspiration to many... even to a single like me :)

This wasn't the only meaningful bit of the wedding as the passage of Exhortation the couple chose was from Isaiah 62:1-5. Personally, I was unfamiliar with this segment of Isaiah and it was the first time that I've heard anyone choose it for their wedding. However, after hearing the speaker preach it in context, I just fell short of tears.

It amazes me each time I learn of how God the Father renews Israel. How He redeems His people, His Bride to Himself... about how our God takes us, desolate and deserted into his presence through the propitiation of Christ on the Cross and marries us... what perfect love... what amazing grace...

This was further reinforced by the hymn they chose as their "Hymn of Encouragement":

Before the Throne of God Above

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea.
A great high Priest whose Name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart.
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.

Behold Him there the risen Lamb,
My perfect spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I AM,
King of glory and of grace,
One in Himself I cannot die.
My soul is purchased by His blood,
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ my Savior and my God!

It's a new hymn to me and I'm listening to the mp3 even as I'm typing all of this... The lyrics are beautiful, true and powerful; the melody sweet and reflective... A hymn of encouragement it is indeed :) For anyone who wants the song, just ask.

The cherry on the top was a performance by the SCGS Handbell Choir! :) I know I sound very suah koo in revealing that this was my first time listening to a handbell choir but there's a first for everything right? ;p I really wish I have pictures to share though... However, it was really refreshing to hear "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" & "Great is Thy Faithfulness" played by nothing but bells! :)

It was a simple wedding all in all but the most meaningful that I've attended. Proably contributed by the fact that I wasn't helping till after the wedding (clean up). Not sure if the couple will read this, but thanks for ministering to me with your wedding Peter & Elizabeth! It was indeed a blessing and it certainly brought God all the glory :)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Power of Words

"I doubt many people would argue about the power of the spoken word.

We don't need a master's in psychology to know that our hearts leap at the sound of affirming words. It's just how God wired us. Any co-worker with a new hairdo will agree. Any toddler who is potty training or husband who just closed the “big deal” will nod emphatically as well. We possess a tremendous ability to very simply "make someone's day" with heartfelt praise or to even alter the course of a life with the power of our words.

Oprah, Bill Gates, and Tiger Woods have all, at one point, attributed their early success to the empowering encouragement of someone else. Perhaps it was just a small phrase or statement, but one that was instrumental in building up or perhaps even just holding up hope and belief for a brief second. That can be all the time it takes to get someone to look at the mirror differently.

Conversely, it doesn't take that same graduate degree to know that the power of words can be unleashed as perhaps the most primitive of weapons. Most of us would agree that whoever penned that little ditty about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" was obviously never a fifth grader. Words can not only hurt, but they can leave shrapnel in the soul long after the explosion hits and the smoke clears. Next time you need a reminder about the power of the negative word, dust off the book of James. It's been said that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. I think the spirit would agree.

So... having taken a moment to consider the power and impact of both our life-giving, affirming words as well as the life-robbing, destructive power of the tongue... here's one more thought to chew on, (pardon the pun). What about the power of words never spoken? For me, I can look back on my life and count too many times when I'd wished I'd listened to my gut (and the Holy Spirit) and just had the courage to open my mouth and let my heart spill out, regardless of the awkward moment. You've heard the rather overused challenge to live each day as it if were your last... but there is real wisdom there. Why wait to say "I love you?" Why wait one more day to forgive? Or to ask for forgiveness? There is a reason that Paul, in Ephesians 4, encourages us not to let the sun go down on our anger. Perhaps because he knew, as a hunted and persecuted man, that a sunrise the next morning was not something to be assumed. He understood, better than anyone, the importance of keeping his accounts short.

Say it now. Go there. The tongue might be powerful, but so are clenched teeth and a firmly set jaw. And silence can speak volumes we never meant to say. Matthew 12:34 reminds us that what is in our hearts, will come spilling out of our mouths. If your heart is full today, or even broken, consider springing a leak and letting someone know. The relief and healing that may follow will make you a believer in the power of words, all over again."

Nichole Nordeman
Dove Award-Winning Singer/Songwriter

Monday, July 24, 2006

Living in 2 time zones

The past 2 weeks has been a blur... for some parts anyway.

I've been warping between 2 worlds--the realm of ICT (In-Camp-Training) and the "civilian realm".The only constant? My attire--army no. 4 uniform :(

Speaking in sci-fi geek talk, there seemed to be an inter-dimentional bubble surrounding the army camp I was at. Things moved real slow and I assure you I could probably see the flapping movement of the bees if I looked hard enough. Despite the knowledge that we were booking out on Sat evening, the day seemed like 2 weeks away.

When it finally arrived and I warped into the civilian world, things proceeded at hyperdrive! Care-cell @ Joseph's, dinner at Newton, Church on sun morn, Wedding prac after that... and before the molecular structure of my body could settle down, I was expected back in camp.

The 2nd week in ICT disrupted my circadian rhythm even more as I probably spent more time out of camp then in camp! The wonderful thing about that 2nd week though... I obtained a silver in my IPPT! :) This despite not running since the beginning of this year :p Anyhow, I'm now motivated to turn my 1-pack into a flat-pack (baby steps ;p)

And if I thought that hyperdrive was fast, this past weekend went into light speed! Frankly, I had trouble differentiating between Sat & Sun! Though on Sun, did manage to capture some pics with Bing Jun's camera (I didn't bring mine cos of stuff to do :( )

Now, I have one week to settle down, confirm my modules and get my textbooks before school starts. Good time for me to catch up on things and to relax too :)

At the end of these 2 weeks, I thank God for protecting my mum, maintaining my sanity, paving the way and keeping me healthy. He's God Alone indeed...

You Are God Alone

You are not a god created by human hands
You are not a god dependant on any mortal man
You are not a god in need of anything we can give
By Your plan, that's just the way it is

You are God alone from before time began
You were on Your throne, You are God alone
And right now in the good times and the bad
You are on Your throne
You are God alone

You're the only God whose power none can contend
You're the only God whose name and praise will never end
You're the only God who's worthy of everything we can give
You are God, and that's just the way it is

That's what You are

Billy J.Foote & Cindy Foote
Perfomed by Phillips, Craig & Dean

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ms, are you a virgin?

Read about this actual incident where a 12-yr old raised his hand and asked his teacher, "Ms, are you a virgin?" Mind you, this didn't happen in a western country but here in good ol' Spore.

This isn't all that shocking, BUT... what if it happened to me?

In a way, the probability of men getting asked that question isn't as high as compared to the ladies. IF however, this question were posed to me, how would I respond to that child in front of the whole class? Its a sombre thought cos my bro's dangerously close to that age already...

So... how should we respond?