Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Got home the day before... boy was the trip physically tiring...

The night hikes and stream trotting experiences were challenging to the girls. Therefore, part of my job was to move up and down the line of 40 girls helping them get over obstacles, come down steep and wet slopes without falling, etc. However, I have to say it was kinda fun. Kinda.

Thank God that Ps 23 went well. It was a different experience teaching about the Bible in front of non-Christians as well. Keeping Christian jargon out of what I was saying was a challenge. However, I think my first experience of "preaching" was not too bad. Psalm 23 ministered to me as well, though I must say that to use this Psalm to pray and to mean it with all my heart... that's a tough one.

Oh well, now, I pray for wisdom as I guide some of the youth leaders going up for next week's church camp to investigate the Book of 1 Jn and to uncover the treasures it holds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dood. must share details on what you preached.
