Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Thanks for your prayers!

For all those who were praying for my bro, thanks :) He came home yesterday at about 9+ am. The docs at KK wanted to give him a jab to bring down the fever but my bro wasn't too receptive of that idea. In the end, they gave him a suppository. Achieved the same thing as the jab and his fever came down... temporarily. In the afternoon, his fever went up to 39.1 degrees again and we forced him to take a cold bath. The cries that errupted from him... heartwrenching... but no choice. This kinda give new meaning to "tough love".

Anyway, its a new day today and thank God that he's much better than yesterday. He slept through the entire night and now, his fever is at an acceptable 37.4 degrees. Hopefully, he'll be back in school tomorrow :) Once again, thanks to everyone who said a prayer for my bro! :)


sernkhoon said...

Er... how old's your brother? Sounds young

adrian said...

He's 8