Saturday, August 28, 2004

Lord, take all of me...

It's been a busy week... a lessons-learnt week...

In BSF this year, I'm going through the "Acts of the Apostles". This will cover the book of Acts and a few epistles as well... really looking forward to it. Learnt and was reminded of 2 things:
1) The OT is essentially all about Jesus and the gospel. Wai led to the same verse that BSF mentioned about Jesus' preparation for his disciples. "And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he [Jesus] explained to them [2 of the disciples] what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself" Lk 24:27 And more than ever, my prayer is that as I study the OT, the Holy Spirit will lead me into knowing how the OT links up with the gospel.

2) The Acts of the Apostles should be more accurately termed as the "Acts of the Holy Spirit". And I definitely know that it ain't no coincidence that that Project Timothy Bible Conference (PTBC) was on the Spirit of Truth. And the major lesson learnt/learning-- Am I letting the Spirit fill, permeate and control every nook and cranny of my life? Are streams of living water flowing from within me? (Jn 7:38-39) David Jackman, in his book Spirit of Truth, had this to say about Jn 7:38-39. "The Biblical picture is not that I come to a great climatic experience in which the little cup of my life is filled and then I have to carry it very carefully so that none of it spills out and I do not "lost the blessing". The reality is more like that cup being placed under a continually running tap (or perhaps a better example would be the Niagra Falls!) so that the water constantly flows in and out of it. The cup remains full and yet it overflows the water all around it. Only this picture can begin to do justice to that energy and power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit's fullness is not a fragile, emotional high that makes me super spiritual, but a sane, joyous and continuous dependence on the Lord, that makes for a sound mind, and a heart at leisure from itself." (this is taken from pg 75, 76)

This week, I've come to realise that there are many areas in my life where I've got a dam, a blockage against the Holy Spirit. I've refused to let Him fill me in certain area and have gone about living that part of my life by myself. Not sugarcoating anything, I've rebelled against my King in thought, speech, actions.... again.

I end of once again with David Jackman... "We do not simply need to know the Word, we also need the enabling of the Holy Spirit to empower us to obey that Word. Growing strong and maturing as a Christian is not just a matter of Bible Study, but of Bible obedience; not just high ideals, or even dogged self-discipline, but God's power."

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