Monday, July 26, 2004

the most excellant way...

Time to share a bit of what i've learnt during the conference... to whoever's reading, hope this helps...

Man, was the Corinthian (1 Cor) church bad... terrible in fact... phrases like "mere infants in Christ" (3:1) and "I have no praise for you" (11:17)  litter the epistle. Main problems? Arrogance in their own abilities and influence from wordly practices. Tsk, tsk... but wait... all this kinda sounds like me! Erm... actually, this is VERY like me. Oh dear...

However, everything culminates in the famous 13th chapter of Corinthians... for this is what our service revolves round. Love. "A wonderful poetic passage!" i always said. Boy was i wrong. Paul wrote this to CORRECT the Corinthians. I understood then that this passage WASN'T supposed to be there for us to quote at weddings.  No, no... it was placed there to remind us of how far short we fall of true love. The kind of love that is cross-shaped. The kind of love that will not pass away (13:8).

This love ain't for myself. The 2 greatest commandmants (Mk 12:30-31) are as follows: LOVE GOD and the second: LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR. Hey God! What about the bit about loving yourself? You know, the part that says pamper yourself because you're worth it? (constantly qouoted by spas, etc) Sorry, it ain't there. (If the topic comes up in my life, maybe i'll talk about spas another time)

So, now... the questions that should pop up into our minds constantly is this: "Is God pleased with what i'm doing? Is my neighbour edified and encouraged by my actions and words?" Easy words to say... tough words to follow. I recently spoke words that not only un-edified a close friend, but stumbled that person. Sigh... i often wish words can be taken back, but they can't. I now have a better understanding of why self-control is a gift of a Spirit-filled life (Gal 5)--the tongue is often the hardest to tame(Jam3)  and only people who are controlled by the Spirit can hope to overcome sinful desires.

With this understanding, why write this blog? Or why write blogs at all? Well, i pray that this avenue of the media will be one where God can be glorified. That truth may be proclaimed. And that, God-willing, the words that come from my mouth will encourage a fellow brother or sister.


yahwee said...

hey bro.. :) i think this is a brilliant idea..the blog. i feel encouraged already. heee..and this is only the 2nd entry. like i mentioned, keep gg...! :) it's reallie great. i'll link u up ok? hope u dun mind. *grin*

Anonymous said...

hi tze yee here
anyway.. to correct u first.. self control isnt a gift.. it is part of the fruit of the spirit.. we should have love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness n self control.. secondly.. this is my view abt love.. well i think that if u can love everyone ard u.. u will be patient kind good faithful gentle n have self control with that person.. everything in the fruit of the spirit is linked to love.. except peace.. its God given.. therefore i think that love is the most important.. i agree u our kind of love isnt a correct one.. its far from Gods standard.. very often we r selfish not forgivin ... i believe its impossible for us to reach that standard set by God.. however we shld always continue to strive towards it.. with Gods help of course.. yep this is wat i think.. u can come look for me if u have any opinions..